Who knows how long he will last in our backyard, but the kids are thinking of names.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Recovery and Reality
The time difference is only 8 hours. I didn't have any kids with me. How hard could it be? Eeeesssshhhh. We had some long days thrown into our 10 day trip to Greece and then 25 hours of traveling home that was very rushed and not in the least bit relaxing. I expected an onslaught of 'mommy, guess what', 'mommy, come here', 'mommy, I (fill in the blank)' upon my arrival and was not disappointed. What I was not prepared for was for those sweet voices to become overly whiny and cranky in a matter of hours of my arrival. To their credit, they were absolutely wonderful while I was away. I think they were just saving it up for me. The combination of what they saved for me and my own crankiness has made the transition back into the world of Six Linos reality very interesting. My sweet husband did finally tell me to go to bed because I was the one that was cranky.
Well, I have slept.........done laundry, cooked dinner, tended to four kids, gone to Bible study, made a big grocery run, cleaned house and volunteered at the school. I would like to say that all is good now, but I think it will take us a few more days to get into our 'you really have to do what mommy says on the first try' routine. Amidst my crankiness and bad attitude, the Lord gave me a dose of reality. He reminded me of an alternative to my stable, joyful, fairly predictable existence.
A friend from high school facing cancer in her 6 year old's body does not have such a predictable, stable life.............
Sleep won't fix this. Only my time with the Lord and a spirit of humility and willingness for my life to not be about me will make the days ahead a pleasing sight unto the Lord - or anyone around me for that matter.
Well, I have slept.........done laundry, cooked dinner, tended to four kids, gone to Bible study, made a big grocery run, cleaned house and volunteered at the school. I would like to say that all is good now, but I think it will take us a few more days to get into our 'you really have to do what mommy says on the first try' routine. Amidst my crankiness and bad attitude, the Lord gave me a dose of reality. He reminded me of an alternative to my stable, joyful, fairly predictable existence.
A friend from high school facing cancer in her 6 year old's body does not have such a predictable, stable life.............
At first, Round 2 seemed easier than the first go -- the drugs were familiar, the place itself was familiar. But I have to admit that it's all beginning to unravel. The newness has worn off. Hospital living is not fun. Cancer stinks. Our life has been turned upside down and shaken around and feels like it is still lying in shambles. We have not even begun to pick up the pieces, really. Today I told Jason, "It just feels like we are on pause, like we are not really living life. How are we supposed to live this life?"How pitiful must I look before the sovereign God who sustains and gives life abundantly to me? Not only does my family suffer through this bad attitude of mine, but more importantly, I have failed miserably to bring glory to Him alone. I am ashamed to think of the opportunities I have missed over the past two days to disciple my children (instead of sending them upstairs to play) or worse yet, share my story of life change with people I encounter.
I hate the way I sound when I complain like this....I beat myself up for complaining, and stuff it all in and put on my strong face...but then I find myself sobbing all the way to the airport to see my sister off, and snapping at Adah, and wanting to do anything but face this whole thing. There are shining moments, and many blessings we can give thanks for. Adah herself was pointing them out last night. "If I hadn't gotten sick, I would never have met...(here she listed several people who have become dear to us, most prominent among them, Dr. Ami)." She is right.
But it's still hard, and I am kicking against the goads right now in my spirit. Longing for something resembling normalcy, for mornings at home and home-cooked food and walks outside and snuggling with both girls and no IVs, for baths and routine and uninterrupted sleep, homeschool, anything. And yet I know that as comforting as those things are, in God alone is true rest, contentment, and peace. He is our home. There is a table spread for us in this valley...but sometimes I feel like I am just groping along picking up scraps.
Sleep won't fix this. Only my time with the Lord and a spirit of humility and willingness for my life to not be about me will make the days ahead a pleasing sight unto the Lord - or anyone around me for that matter.
I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples. For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Psalm 108:3-4
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
A Glimpse of Greece
This is a slideshow of a good number of the photos I took on my recent trip to Greece. It is nothing compared to the over 2000 pictures one of my teammates took! Most of the pictures won't mean much to you without some explanation, but they will give you an idea of what happened over 10 days. Friends that are going to Greece in a few days...........your hotel in Thess is pictured (think small and orange blankets) and your hotel in Athens is not the one that we stayed in so ignore the Holiday Inn. In some of the ruins pictures you can see the old city roads with grooves where chariots drove, the bema where Paul was chained before Roman authorities and so much more. I will pick out specific pictures to post later with explanations.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Last Full Day in Thess
Today was it. Two more travel days and home to my husband and babies! We prayer walked more of the city and continued passing out website cards. After handing out as many as we could to living, breathing people, we started blitzing the cars and mail boxes. My box is emtpy and I am ready to come home.
This has been a fabulous trip! I have so much more to write when I get home, have recovered and gotten back into reality for four young children. For now, please pray for our travel......................from here, I take 3 buses, 2 trains, 3 planes and 1 automobile to get back to my house. Looking forward to arriving in one tired piece.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Not Much Longer
Today was another full day. The most meaningful part of the day was at the very end. We took a bus up to the top of the city and you can see the wall and gates that date back to when the Apostle Paul came to Thessaloniki. They are still in use. Our VERY large bus drove through the very tiny gate. We were able to walk around at the wall and look out over the city. We arrived shortly after sunset, so the city was all lit up. An incredible and humbling sight. It is a vast city and the masses live in spiritual darkness. Our team took time to pray for the people and for the Christ followers that live here. We prayed that the Greeks would find life abundantly in Jesus Christ and that the Lord would have mercy on the Greeks. It is a daunting task that only He can do. Looking out over the city is an image that I will not soon forget................and the souls it represents.
PS - I promise to load pictures when I get home. You will understand my frustration with technology when I tell you that the computer I am using still has a 3.5" floppy drive on it!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Working Hard - Full Day in Thess
Today was a very full day in the western part of Thessaloniki. It is an area where the families live - young to old, poor and wealthier. My team was on the streets 8 hours today covering our assigned area. Here's how this works: you have a map and an assigned area that you literally walk and pray down the streets. We came upon an open market where there was vendor after vendor selling any and everything. It was a very diverse area and we were able to put website cards in the hands of so many of them. The challenge from today was the lack of English spoken in our work zone. I probably encountered five people total that could speak ANY English. Sharing the gospel is challenging under the best of conditions, it was pretty much non-existent under these conditions.
My team of four was also struck by an event that happened over lunch. About 10 feet (literally!) from our lunch table, a small kitten was hit by a car while we were eating. Not a pretty sight and it really was sad and struck a chord on our hearts. The problem we talked about moments later was how upset we were over the cat and yet there had been no gasping or near tears over the people around us that were dying and going to hell as fast as that little kitten passed. Really gave us perspective.
Please pray for the veil of darkness to be lifted from this city. There are less than 1500 known Christ-followers in the city!
I'm missing home now more and more. I looked through all my pictures on the iPhone this afternoon. It's just not the same. I look forward to hearing their voices!
Monday, September 27, 2010
We Have Pictures Too!
I have finally been able to get a picture up. There are many of the historical sites, but we really got to work tonight so I wanted one of work for you. More on our day in another post. Here is Jessica on a busy street corner handing out a business card that leads the Greeks to a website that spells out the plan of salvation in their language. Each of our team members is equipped with 500 cards. Pray we are obedient and willing to pass them all out. My team of three was able to hand out about 150 over the course of an hour and a half....a long road ahead.
Speaking of long day..........tomorrow we prayer walk the western part of the city. The plan is to prayer walk an area that houses 1/3 of the 1.5 million people that live in this city. We are looking at a 9 hour day of prayer walking. As you pray for us, think of this statement that we were reminded of today............."How many people prayed for me as I embarked on this trip? Probably at least 300?? For the people of this city that is less than 1% evangelical christian, NOBODY has EVER prayed for them." These people need the power of prayer to enact a movement of God among them. Please pray.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Another Greek City - Day 2
Today we went to ancient Corinth. By bus, we traveled along the coastline for about 1.5 hours and saw the Corinth Canal (Panama Canal - the same but different) and then on to the ancient ruins where the Apostle Paul preached for 18 months. We saw the place where he would have been chained as he awaited trial before the Roman authorities. An incredible expereince - more on that when I return home and can appropriately gather my thoughts.
We have been with our tour guide, Vicki for the past two days. She has been an incredible guide and is a very intelligent woman. We have spent a number of hours with her and she has heard the gospel of Jesus Christ clearly. Please pray her heart is moved towards life change that only the Holy Spirit can bring. I pray she is the tour guide for our next team in a few short weeks!
Tomorrow, we head to Thessaloniki by train for 5+ hours. We will be doing the bulk of our work and church planting efforts in the western part of the city. We have 9,500 cards to put in the hands of Greeks. Pray these cards open doors and help to plant seeds of hope in the lives of these people. NEHBC family - to those wishing they had signed up for a team this year: here's your chance. Pray for us. Your efforts back home on your knees on our behalf are critical to the movement of God on the other side of the globe. We thank you!
As for how I feel about being gone.................ohhhhhh I miss NL and those four little people. I can't wait to squeeze them and hear their voices. It's kind of a weird deal when you are on a trip like this. Because you know you are exactly where you are supposed to be at that time (where God wants you), you are not consumed by thoughts of things back home. I miss them and wonder what they are doing from time to time, but it is not consuming. Keeping the mind focused!
I'm not sure of the technology arrangements once we get to Thess, so this may be it for a few days. Please continue to pray.
We have been with our tour guide, Vicki for the past two days. She has been an incredible guide and is a very intelligent woman. We have spent a number of hours with her and she has heard the gospel of Jesus Christ clearly. Please pray her heart is moved towards life change that only the Holy Spirit can bring. I pray she is the tour guide for our next team in a few short weeks!
Tomorrow, we head to Thessaloniki by train for 5+ hours. We will be doing the bulk of our work and church planting efforts in the western part of the city. We have 9,500 cards to put in the hands of Greeks. Pray these cards open doors and help to plant seeds of hope in the lives of these people. NEHBC family - to those wishing they had signed up for a team this year: here's your chance. Pray for us. Your efforts back home on your knees on our behalf are critical to the movement of God on the other side of the globe. We thank you!
As for how I feel about being gone.................ohhhhhh I miss NL and those four little people. I can't wait to squeeze them and hear their voices. It's kind of a weird deal when you are on a trip like this. Because you know you are exactly where you are supposed to be at that time (where God wants you), you are not consumed by thoughts of things back home. I miss them and wonder what they are doing from time to time, but it is not consuming. Keeping the mind focused!
I'm not sure of the technology arrangements once we get to Thess, so this may be it for a few days. Please continue to pray.
Time on the Farm
Some more of our experience outside of the city.........riding a real horse - not the carnival pony rides; watching the hours-old chicks being tossed into the chicken house (50 days to sell day). It was such fun and so good for our kids. Great memories as a family.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Greece - 1st Complete Day
I am too exhausted to do any of this justice, so just a quick note..........we were on the streets of Athens for almost 11 hours today. We toured historical sites, had a reading of God's Word on Mars Hill, handed out some cards to native speakers, enjoyed the local culture and did some team bonding. Tomorrow begins with a bus ride to Corinth for more of the same. Pray for opportunities for us to interact with tourists and locals alike.
Friday, September 24, 2010
We Made It
Our team has arrived in Greece and with the time change, we are ready for bed. Looking forward to a great day tomorrow touring the city of Athens and having divine appointments with the people we encounter. Please pray it is a fruitful introduction to our work that lies ahead. We are all excited and ready to do this!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I'm Off
Today is the day. I leave for 10 days to experience Greece as part of a team from our church. We will be touring ancient biblical sites as well as working hard at church planting in the city of Thessaloniki. I'm leaving behind our 6, 5, 3, and 1 year old with Daddy. They are going to have a blast and I'm looking forward to seeing what all the Lord does in and through me.
I have mixed emotions........so glad the Lord has enabled me to go and looking forward to everything He has in store for me; a bit nervous about being gone so long; wishing NL could go with me; don't want String Bean to really learn to walk while I'm gone; pumped about spending time with my sister-in-law on this fabulous trip; can't wait to see the places talked about in the Bible.
I hope to manage a blog post or two while gone, but there are sure to be plenty of pictures and stories of what the Lord does over the next ten days in Greece. The Daddy blog might be pretty entertaining while I'm gone.
I have mixed emotions........so glad the Lord has enabled me to go and looking forward to everything He has in store for me; a bit nervous about being gone so long; wishing NL could go with me; don't want String Bean to really learn to walk while I'm gone; pumped about spending time with my sister-in-law on this fabulous trip; can't wait to see the places talked about in the Bible.
I hope to manage a blog post or two while gone, but there are sure to be plenty of pictures and stories of what the Lord does over the next ten days in Greece. The Daddy blog might be pretty entertaining while I'm gone.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Don't Know What to Do
There's no concrete here and you can see stars. Our kids don't know what to do! They played in the dirt forever yesterday afternoon. This horse voluntarily came up to the fence. It's so different from our normal routine and very exciting. We are in Normangee, Texas. The Six Linos traveled here to be together while Daddy preaches a revival at the first church he pastored - while we were dating at Texas A&M. There are such wonderful memories and friends here. I'm so thankful our kids get to experience just a taste of it. Today....the chicken houses. Truckloads of babies arrive today. Kids can't wait.
Reminded With Every Fork and Spoon
My husband loves me. I know this because he says it and acts likes it. This is a note that he left in our silverware drawer for me just over 8 years ago. It stayed posted in its original place through two moves and the little hands of four kids. Only recently did it become dislodged from that drawer where it so often reminded me of the man who God chose to love, protect and provide for me. He has been the best choice ever!
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Day I Wasn't So Sure About
Last Tuesday brought about a day that I had tossed and turned about........for a long time. It brought about mixed emotions. The two little girls started preschool at our church's Early Childhood Center. Samoosa attended last year, but this year String Bean would join her. All four kids are gone at the same time and I am by myself. The ECC is a fantastic ministry and all of our children have learned and grown so much while there. I wasn't worried about the program. I was very excited to have almost five hours to myself. I pretty much have the whole semester of free time already planned out of things that I must get done while my four little helpers are not with me. But I was sad. String Bean was just 15 months when she started. She still isn't walking and she is still very much the string bean of the bunch. I just didn't think it was best for her to be away at school already. The other three didn't start until they were two years old. I struggled with the decision for a long time and came close to changing my mind several times over the summer - after paying all of the registration fees. It came down to this...........I will be a better mommy and wife if I have some time alone on a regular basis. It's not that I don't love having everyone around. It's that I can't continually function at a high level of excellence in our home if I don't have some down time to regroup and re energize. I haven't fully figured out what regrouping looks like, but I know it includes working out, uninterrupted time with the Lord, some naps here and there, reading and running errands - quickly and quietly. There will be lunches out with girlfriends along the way while floors are drying and laundry is washing. It will be different for sure.
2395 days ago, my journey at this full-time job we call 'mommy' began. It is one that never stops and is by far the most rewarding. I know the Six Linos will thrive and enjoy life together even if I am a little sad that our baby is already in preschool. She did have a good first day with no tears and her big sister took good care of her while enjoying her first day as well.
2395 days ago, my journey at this full-time job we call 'mommy' began. It is one that never stops and is by far the most rewarding. I know the Six Linos will thrive and enjoy life together even if I am a little sad that our baby is already in preschool. She did have a good first day with no tears and her big sister took good care of her while enjoying her first day as well.
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String Bean ready to face the day! |
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Samoosa the pack mule - carrying her sister's napmat in addition to all of her own stuff. |
Samoosa's class off to a good start - 9 boys and 4 girls! |
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Drastic Measures
I think my kids understand me a little better now. I have made myself more clear. Several weeks ago while Daddy was out of town, is when it happened. Over time we had become discouraged - actually down right irritated is a better word - with the level of care that our children use with their belongings. They are so rough on toys and things seem to break easily. I had been working hard to talk to them about how we use things the way they were meant to be used instead of using our creative minds to find new and destructive ways to play. Well, this particular day I guess I was already a bit high strung because when I saw another broken toy I put a stop to it. I told each of the kids they could have their blanket and pick one toy to keep. The others would all be gone when they woke up the next morning.
Of course when you say those things, you have to mean it or you will never be able to threaten any action again. Prior to bedtime, I had them remove all of the toys, games, etc from their rooms. I stayed up most of the night and cleaned out the play room. Some stuff went to the garbage can, some stuff went to Goodwill and the rest went to our closet and other hiding places throughout the house. It was exhausting but worth the effort. Here is what their playroom looked like when they woke up.
If you know our playroom, you know this is drastic. I left some books out for us to read to them on occasion, but otherwise they were on their own to be creative. The older threesome played hard together for the almost month that their toys were gone. They played chase and fun imagination games. They often wanted to be downstairs helping me do whatever I was doing, but I reminded them that this was their time to think about using things properly and learn to appreciate the things they have been given.
The toys that I saved returned to the playroom last week and it was like Christmas. They were so excited to see all of the things they had been missing and wanted so badly to use during playtime. I haven't found a broken toy yet. I can always remind them of this time without toys. It's good for them!
Of course when you say those things, you have to mean it or you will never be able to threaten any action again. Prior to bedtime, I had them remove all of the toys, games, etc from their rooms. I stayed up most of the night and cleaned out the play room. Some stuff went to the garbage can, some stuff went to Goodwill and the rest went to our closet and other hiding places throughout the house. It was exhausting but worth the effort. Here is what their playroom looked like when they woke up.
If you know our playroom, you know this is drastic. I left some books out for us to read to them on occasion, but otherwise they were on their own to be creative. The older threesome played hard together for the almost month that their toys were gone. They played chase and fun imagination games. They often wanted to be downstairs helping me do whatever I was doing, but I reminded them that this was their time to think about using things properly and learn to appreciate the things they have been given.
The toys that I saved returned to the playroom last week and it was like Christmas. They were so excited to see all of the things they had been missing and wanted so badly to use during playtime. I haven't found a broken toy yet. I can always remind them of this time without toys. It's good for them!
Monday, September 13, 2010
In Addition to the Daily News Ticker
This past week, I found a wonderful new podcast. I would call myself a Fox News ticker junkie. I often just switch the channel to read through the ticker. It keeps me up to date and not too engulfed in my 6 and under world. It's hard not to be consumed by the four little people in my life. I have to work hard to know what's happening around my community and world. There is so much going on around me that is more important than my little bubble.
Dr. Albert Mohler has started a new podcast called The Briefing. It is a short daily briefing on current events from a biblical worldview. The Briefing enables Christians to think biblically by providing daily worldview analysis about the leading news headlines and cultural conversations. It's wonderful! It's not very long and is packed with good information to keep me balanced in my understanding of current events. I have listened to every one of them so far (during workouts, in car pool line or just while working on the computer.) I am thankful Dr. Mohler is willing to be a sound biblical voice in today's quickly changing world.
You can use the link above to access each day on the internet or use itunes to subscribe to the podcast. Great resource!!! He also has a weekly podcast called Thinking in Public (an interview forum for intelligent conversation about frontline theological and cultural issues) which is very good - longer in format and very informative.
Dr. Albert Mohler has started a new podcast called The Briefing. It is a short daily briefing on current events from a biblical worldview. The Briefing enables Christians to think biblically by providing daily worldview analysis about the leading news headlines and cultural conversations. It's wonderful! It's not very long and is packed with good information to keep me balanced in my understanding of current events. I have listened to every one of them so far (during workouts, in car pool line or just while working on the computer.) I am thankful Dr. Mohler is willing to be a sound biblical voice in today's quickly changing world.
You can use the link above to access each day on the internet or use itunes to subscribe to the podcast. Great resource!!! He also has a weekly podcast called Thinking in Public (an interview forum for intelligent conversation about frontline theological and cultural issues) which is very good - longer in format and very informative.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Just Beaming
The fifth birthday is a big deal around our house. The boy got a gun and started learning personal money management skills. The girl recently turned five and is learning money management. She also got her ears pierced. We talked about it for some time............that she was becoming a young girl and would have responsibilities; that she is a beautiful girl created by the Lord. She was so excited, until we got to the store and discovered they were closed. It's a long story, but only the Lord could have worked this out. I had called the store to get all the details and they told me the 'good lady' arrives at work around 6pm each evening and she could only do one ear at a time. I was a bit concerned that we might only end up with one ear done after the drama that would unfold, so one ear at a time was not my ideal situation. Well, when we pulled up and unloaded the Six Linos out of the van for the big event, they were closing the store - it closes at 6pm every day. So Girly Girl, fell apart - was just devastated that she would not get her ears pierced. We went down the road a bit to another store that I knew did piercings and it was fabulous. Both ears at the same time!!! Thank you Lord for working it all out. She climbed up in the chair like a big girl and did not cry at all. She was beaming from ear to ear, jumped up in her daddy's arms and absolutely loves her new look.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Girls Gone Wise
Women, you must read this.........Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild by Mary Kassian. I finished it earlier this summer and it is still working on my heart and mind. It is something every woman or young lady in the reality of today's culture needs to read. If you are not the wild woman now, you have been or are in close contact with ladies who are and the way of the wild is not God's best for any woman. Kassian takes a structured, Biblical approach to combating the destruction caused by a woman being caught in the enticement of our seductive culture. From Proverbs, she offers 20 points of contrast of the Wild Thing and Wise Thing: heart, counsel, approach, attitude, habits, focus, appearance, body language, roles, sexual conduct, boundaries, authenticity, neediness, possessions, entitlement, reliability, speech, influence, sustainability, and teachability.
Each chapter or point of contrast can impact your daily living. Perfect for individual study and reflection, this book would also be a great small group resource. The Biblical principles are laid out in a candid and graceful way in order to encourage women to embrace the meaningful and redemptive life found only in Christ. Kassian's website www.girlsgonewise.com has a video book blog, study questions and numerous other resources to supplement the book.
Each chapter or point of contrast can impact your daily living. Perfect for individual study and reflection, this book would also be a great small group resource. The Biblical principles are laid out in a candid and graceful way in order to encourage women to embrace the meaningful and redemptive life found only in Christ. Kassian's website www.girlsgonewise.com has a video book blog, study questions and numerous other resources to supplement the book.
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Second One Went Too!
We did it! Number two went off to kindergarten today. It was a little different for me this time..........it wasn't the oldest, it was a girl - not a boy. The build up was different too. Girly Girl wasn't excited to leave preschool back in May and it took pretty much the whole summer to get her to the 'this is going to be awesome' point. It was a great day. We had practiced our morning routine last week, so that part went off without a hitch. Took standard pictures and off we went - Mom, Dad, Toads & Girly Girl. Leaving Samoosa behind didn't bother anybody (so sad).
As Nathan said afterwards, 'we are irrelevant'. We walked Toads to his 1st grade class and he didn't even acknowledge us. Nothing. The kindergarten hall wasn't that much different. Girly Girl walked down the hall on her own and then wanted us to walk in with her. We did and she proficiently unpacked her bag, found her desk and began coloring with her favorite color - orange. She did pause long enough for a photo with Mom. They both really could have done it without us. There were no tears. Not even lingering hugs. We prayed on the way to school and told them we loved them when we left. Off they went.
I couldn't wait to pick them up. Well, not the car service I was running. One pick up at 1:50 and then the other at 3:20. Not enough time to go all the way back home. I wanted to hear all about their fabulous days. Girly Girl promptly got in the car and announced 'I don't want to tell you about it'. I knew she had a good day because her teacher had already told me, so I just ignored the comment and didn't talk to her for about ten minutes. Eventually, she opened up and told me some of the juicy details. The best part - recess; the worst part - getting lost; the funniest part - Mrs. Wiggin doing recess rules. Mrs. Dees - 'I love having her as my teacher'. She's flat out exhausted. The tears started flowing when she realized that her teacher kept today's artwork so she could show it to us later. Everything from that point on had drama and tears. At bed time, she was willing and excited to go back tomorrow.
Now the boy, I expected no juicy details. But I got - 'it was the best day ever!' I was astounded. He just started telling me everything (more about that in a later post) and he had a blast. Tomorrow, we do it again. Mom's not going in. The boy will take the girl. I will keep praying over them and enjoying the two little girls. What an exciting time in the life of our family! Watching all these little people grow up. I'm having a blast.
As Nathan said afterwards, 'we are irrelevant'. We walked Toads to his 1st grade class and he didn't even acknowledge us. Nothing. The kindergarten hall wasn't that much different. Girly Girl walked down the hall on her own and then wanted us to walk in with her. We did and she proficiently unpacked her bag, found her desk and began coloring with her favorite color - orange. She did pause long enough for a photo with Mom. They both really could have done it without us. There were no tears. Not even lingering hugs. We prayed on the way to school and told them we loved them when we left. Off they went.

Now the boy, I expected no juicy details. But I got - 'it was the best day ever!' I was astounded. He just started telling me everything (more about that in a later post) and he had a blast. Tomorrow, we do it again. Mom's not going in. The boy will take the girl. I will keep praying over them and enjoying the two little girls. What an exciting time in the life of our family! Watching all these little people grow up. I'm having a blast.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Novelty Hasn't Worn Off
Our precious almost three year old surprised me yet again. I knew Samoosa was excited but I had no idea it would translate into today's experience. She came to 'big church' with the family for the first time today. The older two came at about this age as well and she has been begging to come for a few months now. So, with promotion Sunday today, we made the leap.
We prepared ahead of time. I had been training the older two all summer to sit next to each other instead of one on each side of me. Since Nathan has other responsibilities, there is no way to split up all three if them. Samoosa helped pack her big church bag with special goodies that are just for the sermon. She checked out the worship center and 'our seats'. We had many discussions and great excitement about her joining us in worshipping the Lord and trying not to distract others.
She loved it! She focused intently on what was happening on the stage. Climbed in and out of her seat at the appropriate times. Bowed her head and closed her eyes. Didn't call out for Daddy while he was on stage. Only spoke a few times and not all that loudly. Enjoyed her bag of goodies. I couldn't have asked for a better first go of it.
I am not completely delusional. I know it was new and there was still novelty to the whole thing. I know the next several months will be hard. I probably won't be able to replay an entire sermon in my mind for months. Worship just won't be the same for me for a while. It's so worth it! One day not long from now she will hold up her own hand written note in the middle of a sermon just like her older sister did today - 'I love you Jesus'. Molding her heart and modeling a love and worship of the King is worth every minute of half-tuned-in sermons.
Family worship with Daddy on stage 'preaching to the big people' and our 6, 5, and almost 3 year old with me on the second row of a major construction zone is a treasured memory that will never wear off.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Maybe It is Just for the Moms

I'm glad we did it! Our last one was for String Bean a couple of months ago and she had a wonderful time. I have the pictures to prove it. She ate her sugar and dairy free muffin after being stared down and sung to and then opened her presents and played with her two little friends, Mr. D and Miss G. Great memories - even if it was just for me!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I'll Tell You How I Really Feel
I've heard it several different ways.......How do you feel about this? Is he there all the time? Is the new guy going to pick up where the old guy left off? He's coming too? He was there for that? And the list could go on and on. Here's how I feel about it......
It is the apprentice-pastor program that is part of the NEHBC long-term vision for church planting. It is an investment in future pastors, some of whom will become part of NEHBC church plants. As the Senior Pastor's wife, it involves me. Nathan and I discussed this program long before it came to fruition. We had thought and prayed about it and knew that this was something we wanted and should invest our lives in. Being a part of mentoring young pastors is a privilege and something we take very seriously.
So how does this work?
A future pastor commits to spending 12 months with Nathan learning and soaking up everything he can about the ins, outs, dos, don'ts, hows, whens and whys of being a pastor. He keeps to Nathan's schedule daily and often spends more time in a day with Nathan than the kids and I do. I don't keep up with what all they do during the day, but it's usually the evenings and weekends that involve the kids and me. The apprentice hangs out at our house and with our family on a very regular basis. He eats dinner, he comes to birthday parties, he does high school football, he veg-es on the couch, he's part of this never-dull Six Linos family.
So why do you do this?
We do the apprentice program to help equip future pastors. We do it because of all of the times we have looked at each other and said 'they didn't teach us this in seminary." It's not that we have all of the answers or that there is not high value in the things you learn in the seminary setting. It's because there are countless experiences in the life of a pastor that can only be learned 'in the field'. We do it because we believe that the Lord is able and willing to use some of what He is doing in and through us to help shape His future shepherds as well as our family. We do it because we love the ministry the Lord has called us to and we are excited about His Kingdom.
But really, what do you think?
Yes, he's here most of the time.
Yes, the new guy has picked up where the old guy left off.
Yes, he's coming too - to almost everything.
Yes, he was there for that - and will continue to be.
A lot of teaching and learning takes place in our van or on our couch while the kids are screaming and I'm cooking, mediating or changing diapers.
I love it.
Our kids have a blast - and a good role model.
There are some times I don't want him around.
I can't think of any annoying times - just times I needed my space.
I can't wait to see the ministry that these guys have 15 years down the road.
It's a sacrifice I've chosen to make.
It's fulfilling to be a part of Nathan's call on his life.
Bottom line.....it's for His glory and it's not about me.
It is the apprentice-pastor program that is part of the NEHBC long-term vision for church planting. It is an investment in future pastors, some of whom will become part of NEHBC church plants. As the Senior Pastor's wife, it involves me. Nathan and I discussed this program long before it came to fruition. We had thought and prayed about it and knew that this was something we wanted and should invest our lives in. Being a part of mentoring young pastors is a privilege and something we take very seriously.
So how does this work?
A future pastor commits to spending 12 months with Nathan learning and soaking up everything he can about the ins, outs, dos, don'ts, hows, whens and whys of being a pastor. He keeps to Nathan's schedule daily and often spends more time in a day with Nathan than the kids and I do. I don't keep up with what all they do during the day, but it's usually the evenings and weekends that involve the kids and me. The apprentice hangs out at our house and with our family on a very regular basis. He eats dinner, he comes to birthday parties, he does high school football, he veg-es on the couch, he's part of this never-dull Six Linos family.
So why do you do this?
We do the apprentice program to help equip future pastors. We do it because of all of the times we have looked at each other and said 'they didn't teach us this in seminary." It's not that we have all of the answers or that there is not high value in the things you learn in the seminary setting. It's because there are countless experiences in the life of a pastor that can only be learned 'in the field'. We do it because we believe that the Lord is able and willing to use some of what He is doing in and through us to help shape His future shepherds as well as our family. We do it because we love the ministry the Lord has called us to and we are excited about His Kingdom.
But really, what do you think?
Yes, he's here most of the time.
Yes, the new guy has picked up where the old guy left off.
Yes, he's coming too - to almost everything.
Yes, he was there for that - and will continue to be.
A lot of teaching and learning takes place in our van or on our couch while the kids are screaming and I'm cooking, mediating or changing diapers.
I love it.
Our kids have a blast - and a good role model.
There are some times I don't want him around.
I can't think of any annoying times - just times I needed my space.
I can't wait to see the ministry that these guys have 15 years down the road.
It's a sacrifice I've chosen to make.
It's fulfilling to be a part of Nathan's call on his life.
Bottom line.....it's for His glory and it's not about me.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
No Drama, Just Boys
I cannot fully imagine what it would be like to have more than one boy. I recently got a glimpse.....stinky, hot, sweaty, loud, rough, high speed, fun. I traded two little girls for one boy - our only nephew - for a couple of days. Toads has three little sisters and JL has two older sisters. If only there were some brothers along the way......I don't think I could handle it. We were at the soccer fields by 7:15 in the morning, spent over and hour trying on every piece of equipment Academy has to offer and played outside in the Texas heat and dirt for longer than String Bean and I care to remember. But did those two little guys have so much fun!! There were no bossy little girls to tell them what to do. I just hosed them down several times instead of discussing the dirt on everything and ignored all of the very loud crashes and thuds coming from the floor above me.
To all you moms of multiple or only boys....you have my respect. I think I will enjoy my drama queens for now and cut the boy some slack when he is tired of accommodating the females in his life. Now if only we can convince those sisters to wrestle without crying and sweat without complaining.
To all you moms of multiple or only boys....you have my respect. I think I will enjoy my drama queens for now and cut the boy some slack when he is tired of accommodating the females in his life. Now if only we can convince those sisters to wrestle without crying and sweat without complaining.
Monday, August 9, 2010
It's Good to Be Five
This little jewel turned five years old today. Our Girly Girl is such a joy to have as part of our family and it has been five years full of excitement, all things pink, giggles, dress up, passion and of course some drama along the way. Her little personality is just precious even if sometimes puzzling. She only likes to play games she knows how to play - which means she can win. She wants everyone to follow the rules. She likes to be in charge of all of the aforementioned rules. She wants to play with her brother and all the boys - while wearing her tutu and heels. She loves to read. She takes things very seriously. Everything except her closet must be just so. She wanders in her own world. She is just perfect!
I am certain the next five years will bring many more moments of joy and laughter as we watch her grow into a young lady. I am looking forward to parenting and loving this precious gift from the Lord. I am thankful that He has entrusted her to us.
I am certain the next five years will bring many more moments of joy and laughter as we watch her grow into a young lady. I am looking forward to parenting and loving this precious gift from the Lord. I am thankful that He has entrusted her to us.
Happy Birthday Girly Girl!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Prayers Needed for Adah
Please pray for the 6 yr old daughter of a friend of mine. Adah was diagnosed with leukemia on Tuesday and received her first chemo treatment today. I know her parents from my high school days and was able to visit them today at the hospital. They have a long road ahead.
You can follow their journey at www.caringbridge.com/visit/adahmorris and pray accordingly.
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, August 2, 2010
Just the Four of Us
Our summer has been packed. I've been trying to make a list of all the memories we've made at home and on the road and I know I'm forgetting stuff. We've tried to enjoy our last summer with Girly Girl before she goes off to kindergarten - just letting her have no cares in the world before reality sets in. Well as much as it can in the life of a five year old. Our big trip was to Disney World. Actually, we went to Orlando for the Southern Baptist Convention, which we all really enjoyed but the kids will tell you we went to Disney. Somehow, four kids 6 and under at Disney in June never seemed to go well in my mind, so we only took the older two. Ages 6 and 4. Tall enough to ride most everything. We went knowing we did not intend to spend our life savings (take your own food in and save a bundle), so we narrowed it down to the 'must-dos' and had a blast even in the afternoon thunderstorms both days we were in the park. They absolutely loved it. Watching the excitement and thrill in their eyes as they saw princesses, rides and characters from their favorite shows was completely worth the heat, tired feet and dollars spent.
This trip will always be etched in my mind because we only had two children with us. It was a tad boring with only two, relatively independent children. That's compared to our normal four, not so independent moments. I was reminded how much I don't know what's best for me. Only the Lord does and He knew that two kids was not best. Having four kids is shaping us into more of who God designed us to be. I'm not sure what that will exactly look like 20 years from now, but I am glad it won't look at tad boring.
This trip will always be etched in my mind because we only had two children with us. It was a tad boring with only two, relatively independent children. That's compared to our normal four, not so independent moments. I was reminded how much I don't know what's best for me. Only the Lord does and He knew that two kids was not best. Having four kids is shaping us into more of who God designed us to be. I'm not sure what that will exactly look like 20 years from now, but I am glad it won't look at tad boring.
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