Sunday, June 12, 2011

Back to Back Grads

singing the months of the year
the kinder farewell
her speaking part went flawlessly
Back to back......that's how they will always be. Toads and Girly Girl are in back to back grades. He just finished 1st and she has wrapped up her kindergarten experience. Being the baby of the class with that late summer birthday, she started out a little slow and then really got going to finish off her year. She exceeded all of her academic goals and began the social journey of life in public school. She talks so lovingly of her amazing teacher, Mrs. Dees (who also taught Toads in kinder) and often calls me by her name instead of 'mom'. She can tell story after story of all the exciting things she was able to do and learn. She recalls her friends with great detail and fondness. Riding the yellow bus for the first time on a field trip, playing chase at recess, following the rules, getting to visit big brother in his classroom, meticulous artwork, singing song after song, and going to specials were some of her faves.

Mrs. Dees
We are so pleased with how her year transpired. We made the choice to send the kids to one of the local public schools and it has been a decision that we are very glad that we made. There have been many teaching opportunities when she came home discussing different situations and she is already experiencing and learning about the real world. Her teacher, Mrs. Dees showed a love and passion for success in all areas of life in her classroom and insisted that high expectations were met. It was such a pleasure to have someone who shares many of our values as her teacher and it made a distinct impression on our little learner.

Girly Girl and mom
The learning environment at PFE enabled the year of fun and learning to be something our Girly Girl will always remember. They have a great kinder teaching team who had the 5 classes all prepped and ready to show off what they learned to the parents on the last day of school. Our Girly Girl who wore tennis shoes with every outfit throughout the year changed her shoes for the performance and in her own reserved way, gave it her all.

so glad Dad's schedule allowed him to make it
Toads sang the same songs last year......with a bit of dramatic flair. Girly Girl put her own style on it this year. They will go back to back again in 11 and 12 years when they are high school grads. These foundational kinder memories have set the stage for some exciting times when it's no longer the days of the week and months of the year that they are performing. We anticipate many family meals of this precious Girly Girl telling us all about her day as she traverses these school days with her love for life and all that it holds.

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