Wednesday, August 26, 2009

As Cute as She Can Be and Still...

Disclaimer: I know the grandparents may not like me saying some of this, but it’s true and I don’t write all of this just for me but in hopes of others being encouraged or at least being able to laugh at life a little.

I will forever remember Cassidy as being our little snuggle-bug. She is the one little Lino that loves to cuddle and be with Mommy. She needs me. She gives great hugs. She also knows how to push my buttons.

Each day is not the same with Cassidy. There are perfectly harmonious days. But there are days when she can out scream any two year old out there and outlast any frazzled mom out there. There are daunting days. There are days filled with tears - hers and mine. There are days I wish I could hold her until she falls asleep instead of listening to her sob on the other side of the door. (Before I get emails that I should not let her cry: she is working the system and can turn the tears off as soon as the door is opened.) We have had those days when at the end I felt like she won. But we have had many more days when the parents win.

For us to win requires a large amount of patience and even more consistency. Reproof, correction and training is exhausting. It is a purposeful task given to us as the parents. This is one of the things I awake each morning for. I love that this is the 'job' that I have been given the privilege of going to every day and night. I was called to this long before Cassidy was my given to my care. In all her cuteness and in all her 'moments' she is the perfect child for us.

I trust Cassidy and I will both one day look back on these 'almost two' days and know we are both better for them. Thank you Lord for entrusting our dear Cassidy to us.

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